- Vinh Long永隆
- priority优先权,优先次序
- multi-disciplinary team由多种专业人员组成的工作单位
- covered area有盖地方
- conditional use有条件用途
- fish breeding pond鱼苗塘
- Fishermen Liaison Meeting渔民联络会议
- Fishermen Claims Assessment Section渔民特惠津贴评估组(地政总署组别)
- fish raft渔排
- belated appeal逾期提出的上诉
- storm and 'grey' water pipes雨水及污水管
- advance预付款项,增长,进展
- pre-sale of uncompleted flats预售楼花
- advanceearthworks预造土方工程
- origin原点(测量)
- basis原则,基础
- D.D. [demarcation district]约(丈量约份)
- Viet Tri越池
- ultra vires doctrine越权行为原则
- consent允许,同意
- assent允许,允许书
- miscellaneous permanent improvement杂项永久改善设施
- statutory exemption在法例上获豁免
- in due course在适当时间
- temporary payments暂付款项
- provisional payment compensation暂付款项补偿
- forbearance fee暂准费,延期费
- forbearance period暂准期,宽限期
- licence fee暂准证费(商业单位),租用官地暂准证费(官地),居住许可证费(平房区),暂准租用证费(临时房屋区)
- advanceworks早期工程
- noise mitigation measures噪音缓解措施,减声措施
- messuage and tenement宅院及物业
- Champasack占巴塞
- agentforoccupier占用人代理人
- right to occupation占用土地权
- demarcation district[D.D.]丈量约份(简称「约」)
- D.D. [demarcation district] ... Lot ... R.P. [remaining portion]丈量约份第...约地段第...号余段
- sale by tender招标出售
- announcement for open tender招标公告
- bona fide contract真诚合约
- true copy真确副本,真实副本,真确复本
- bona fide member真正成员
- assumptionpaper征求同意书
- demand征收款项通知书
- batch payment system整笔付款制度
- package programme整体安排,整套方案
- total floor area整体楼面面积
- CRP [Comprehensive Redevelopment Programme]整体重建计划(房屋委员会),综合重建计划(拓展署)
- formal agreement and indemnity正式协议及弥偿书
- government conveyancing政府产权转让
- Government Rights (Re-entry and Vesting Remedies) Ordinance (Cap.126)政府土地权(重收及转归补救)条例(第126章)
- Public Accounts Committee政府帐目委员会
- reforestation plan植林计划
- forest plantation植林区
- paper sale纸上买卖
- parameter指标,范围,规限
- prescribed fee指定费用
- Cartographic Section制图组(地政总署组别)
- River Training Team治理河道小组(地政总署组别)
- River Training Section治理河道组(地政总署组别)
- Sino-British Cross-border Infrastructure Co-ordinating Committee中港跨境大型基建协调委员会
- China Real Estate Consulting Centre中国地产谘询中心
- State Land Administration of PRC中华人民共和国国家土地管理局
- offtake station中途减压站
- authenticChinesetext中文真确本
- rezone重订分区用途,重新分区
- re-zoning重划分区
- redevelopment重建,重新发展,重行发展
- re-entry重收
- realignment works重新划定线向工程
- re-vested in the Crown重新转归官方
- principal datum主水平基准
- meter above Principal Datum[mPD]主水平基准以上...米
- household住户,家庭
- registry注册处
- registered manager [of 'tso' or 'tong']注册司理(「祖」或「堂」)
- holding reservoir贮水库
- professional fee专业费用,聘用专业人士费用
- restricted area专用区
- exclusive jurisdiction专有审裁权
- functional office专责事务处
- properties vested in the Financial Secretary Incorporated转归财政司司长法团的物业
- Reassignment Memorial转回契约
- derivative landlord转接业主
- assignmentvalue转让价值
- transfer right转让权
- Restrictions on the transfer of转让限制
- alienationrestrictionperiod转让限制期
- transfer转移,移交
- transfer of development right转移发展权益
- transfer of tenancy转移租用权