- gross claim paid已偿付申索毛额
- Fully Valued已充分反映实值
- defunct company已倒闭公司
- notional annual mid-point salary spent已动用的按薪级中点估计的年薪值
- ROCE已动用资本回报率
- issued equity share capital已发行权益股本
- repealed Securities Rules已废除的《证券规则》
- repealed Ordinance已废除条例
- declared return已公布收益
- deceased partner已故合伙人
- deceased taxpayer已故纳税人
- deceased debtor已故债务人
- married person's allowance已婚人士免税额
- duty paid已缴纳税款,关税已付
- fully paid-up capital已缴足股款的股本
- fully paid-up share已缴足股款的股份
- Discharge in Bankruptcy已解除债务的破产人
- Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)已售商品成本
- duty-paid goods已完税货品
- statute-barred debt已逾时效的债项
- employed capital已运用资本
- known spending commitment已知的开支承担
- known contingency已知的应急费用
- known liabilities已知负债
- deflated by…以……平减
- unit cost basis以单位成本为基础
- hold on the statutory trust以法定信托形式持有
- Mortgage Backed Securities以房地产抵押作担保的证券
- expressed in Hong Kong dollar以港元计算
- Pro Bono以公共福利为目的
- margin trading以股票按贷财务方式买卖,以[V展方式买卖,保证金交易,按金交易
- Growth At A Reasonable Price (GARP)以合理价格增长
- subsequent allowance以后免税额
- Activity Based Management以活动为基础的管理
- Activity Based Budgeting以活动为基础的预算案
- Value-Based Pricing以价值为基础的定价
- transferor by delivery以交付方式转让汇票的移转人
- deposit in lieu of bond以缴存的款项代替担保契据
- transaction for money consideration以金钱为代价的交易
- expenditure-based gross domestic product以开支为计算基础的本地生产总值
- expenditure-based gross domestic product estimate以开支为计算基础的本地生产总值估计数字
- order-based system以买卖盘为基础的制度期权结算所有限公司(悉尼)
- preceding year basis以上年度为基础,上年度评税基期
- production-based gross domestic product estimate以生产为计算基础的本地生产总值估计数字
- market-orientation以市场为主导
- Mark to Market (MTM)以市值计价
- sale by private treaty以私人协约形式售卖
- externally oriented economy以外贸为主的经济,倚赖对外贸易的经济
- Barter以物易物
- entrustment basis以信托形式
- manufacturing and services-based economy以制造业及服务业为主的经济
- yee wui义会
- mutual loan syndicate义会,银会
- Accident and Health Benefits意外与健康福利
- premium溢价,保费,入股金,期权金,地价,土地补价,标金
- factor system因素计算法
- strong demand殷切需求
- bank银行
- bank guarantees,banker's letter of guarantee银行保证书
- Bancassurance银行出售保险
- guarantee of bank loan银行贷款保证
- letter of comfort银行联系证明书,信心保证书
- total net interbank borrowing银行同业拆入净额总值
- futures contract in interbank interest rate银行同业拆息期货合约
- middle interbank rate银行同业中间利率
- Bank Investment Contract (BIC)银行投资合约
- Office of the Commissioner of Banking银行业监理处
- non-banking sector银行以外的机构
- latent reserve隐藏储备
- Implied Volatility (IV)隐含波动性
- dormant partner隐名合伙人
- State Bank of India印度国家银行
- Indonesian Rupiah印度尼西亚盾
- Indover Asia Limited印度尼西亚海外亚洲有限公司
- franking machine印花盖印机
- stamp duty relief印花税宽免
- Stamp Office印花税署(税务局)
- Superintendent of Stamp Office印花税署总监
- stamp duty rate印花税税率
- stop-go policy应变经济政策,经济膨胀和紧缩交替运用的政策
- outstanding allocation应拨未拨的款项
- margin requirement应付保证金
- sum payable应付的款项
- due date for payment应付款的日期,付款到期日
- dues应付款项,应付费用,应付税款
- Days Payable Outstanding (DPO)应付账款天数
- salaries tax payable应缴的薪俸税
- fee payable应缴费用
- dutiable estate应缴税的遗产
- tax payable应缴税款
- total tax payable应缴税款总额