- taxpayer纳税义务人
- Taxpayers纳税义务人(综合所得税)
- naira奈拉(尼日利亚)
- The Service Life耐用年数
- tenorist男高音演唱家
- sutable for men,women,and children男女老少皆宜
- male chauvinism男权主义思想
- Nan'an Xinhua Warming Water Building Materials Factory南安市新华水暖建材厂
- Nanpao Resins (China) Co.,Ltd. - Shanghai Branch南宝树脂中国有限公司上海分公司
- Mercosur trade group南方共同市场 南美贸易组织
- Nanfang Door Co.,Ltd.南方门业有限公司
- Cape of Good Hope,South Africa南非好望角
- South African rand南非兰特(纳米比亚)
- Apartheid南非种族隔离政策
- Nanhai Luocun Lianxing Jintong Sanitaryware Factory南海市罗村镇联星金彤洁具厂
- Nanhai Nanzhuang Ech Co.,Ltd.南海市南庄一川卫浴有限公司
- Nanhai Nanzhuang Imeiss Glass Sanitary Ware Factory南海市南庄意美斯玻璃洁具厂
- Nanhai Wisdom Sanitary Ware Co.,Ltd. - Shanghai Office南海市万斯敦洁具有限公司上海办事处
- Nanhai Wisdom Sanitary Ware Co.,Ltd.南海市万斯敦卫浴有限公司
- Nanhai Wisdom Sanitary Ware Co.,Ltd. - Dalian Office南海市万斯敦卫浴有限公司大连办事处
- Nanhai Yanbu Jianya Hardware Factory南海市盐步剑雅五金厂
- Nanhai Yanbu Jianya Hardware Factory - Shanghai Office南海市盐步剑雅五金厂上海办事处
- Antarctic南极
- Nanjing Self Electrical Co.,Ltd.南京赛儿福电器有限公司
- Nanjing Wuzhixiu Scie. & Tech. Co.,Ltd.南京屋之秀科技有限公司
- South-to-north Water Transfer Project南水北调工程
- CO Nanyang Neighbourhood Police Centre南洋邻里警局局长
- better to be bewildered难得糊涂
- encapsulation囊括
- can be repeatedly remoulded.能多次翻新
- be ready to both serve as an offical and be one of the common people能官能民
- competent to work both at the top and at the grass roots能进能出,能上能下
- He who knows how to fight and how to retreat deserves to be called a brave man.能进能出,能上能下,方谓好汉
- ability to perform the work能力履行工作
- WAP phone能上网的手机
- A. C. Nielson尼尔森市场研究公司
- Nimda尼姆达(病毒)
- your % commission你的百分之几佣金
- blood relation in fiction of law拟制血亲
- unfavourable marks [CCASS]逆差额[中央结算系统]
- RRP Reverse Repurchase Agreement逆回购协议
- adverse exchange逆汇、逆汇兑
- RAM diverse annuity mortgage逆向年金抵押
- contrarian逆向投资者
- adverse selection逆选择
- Downturn逆转,由好变坏
- trade reversals [options]逆转交易[期权]
- reversal contract [options]逆转交易合约[期权]
- yr year;your年,你的
- YB,yrbk yearbook年报,年鉴
- Annual report年报,年度报告
- beginning of the year年初
- annual requirement purchasing arrangement年度采购需求计划
- Annualized年度化,按年计
- annual summary年度汇总表
- annual accounts年度决算
- Year Tax Bill for Filed Profit-Seeking Enterprise Income Tax (Self-Payment)年度营利事业所得税结算税额缴款书(自行缴纳)
- Year Tax Bill for Voluntarily Supplementary Payment of Profit-Seeking Enterprise Income Tax年度营利事业所得税结算税额自动补报缴款书
- Year Tax Bill for Filed Profit-Seeking Enterprise Income Tax on Undistributed Earnings(Self-Payment)年度营利事业所得税未分配盈余税额缴款书(自行缴纳)
- Year Tax Bill for Voluntarily Supplementary Payment of Profit-Seeking Enterprise Income Tax on Undist年度营利事业所得税未分配盈余税额自动补报缴款书
- Year Tax Bill for Provisional Profit-Seeking Income Tax(Self-Payment)年度营利事业所得税暂缴税额缴款书(自行缴纳)
- annual marketing plan年度营销计划
- annual budget,yearly budget年度预算
- annual budget appropriation年度预算拨款
- annual payment年分期付款
- Yearbook年鉴,年刊
- annuity年金
- Minister of Pensions and National Insurance年金及国民保险大臣
- pension plan年金计划
- aged analysis年老的分析(法,学)研究
- AP年利润
- Age dependency (ratio)年龄抚养比率
- the end of year年末
- annual earnings年收益
- SOYD sum of the year's digits method年数加总折旧法
- sum-of-the-years' digits depreciation(SYD)年数总和折旧法
- year-on-year;on an annual basis年同比
- family reunion dinner年夜饭
- annual revenue年营业收入
- end of year年终
- year-end profit-sharing年终分红
- year-and dividend年终股息
- annual balance sheet年终决算表
- year-and stock年终库存
- seniority ssytem年资制度
- Brewed Alcoholic Beverages酿造酒类
- nirvana涅磐(佛)
- elinvar镍铬恒弹性钢
- Do you want to buy some Chinese native produce?您想购买中国土特产品吗?
- Ningbo IDC International Trading Co.,Ltd.宁波艾迪西国际贸易有限公司
- Ningbo Anja Kitchen-Ornament Co.,Ltd.宁波安佳卫厨电器有限公司