- rice-wine米酒
- Milan Stock Exchange米兰证券交易所
- MICHELIN ASIA(H.K.) LTD. Beijing Representative O米其林亚洲(香港)有限公司 米其林亚洲(香港)有限公司北京代表处
- metric unit米制单位
- Milwaukee Bucks密尔沃基雄鹿队
- intensive distribution密集分销渠道
- b.c. blind copy密送的副本
- Exemption of Income Tax Filing免办结算申报
- Waiver免除,放弃
- w.c.,W.C. without charge;water closet免费,洗手间
- free-rider免费搭车者(享受其他国家最惠国待遇而不进行相应减让的国家)
- free call numbers免费电话号码
- product sampling免费商品
- free case no charge for case免费事例
- free delivery免费送货
- Military Service Exemption免服军人劳务之课税
- F. I. T free of income tax免交所得税
- Ther Withholding Exemption Certificate免扣缴凭单
- freight-absorption pricing免收运费定价法
- duty-free免税
- exemption procurement免税采购
- free port免税港
- tax-free transaction免税交易
- tax-free trade zone免税贸易区
- free zone(duty-free)免税区
- nontaxable income免税收入
- TESSA Tax Exempt Special Savings Account免税特别储蓄帐户
- Tax exemption certificate免税照
- pass without examination (P.W.E)免验放行
- No-load fund免佣基金
- exemption from criminal penalty免于刑事处分
- exemption from punishment免予处罚
- Exempted from Filing Sales Amounts免予申报销售额之营业人
- disclaimer免责声明
- Exemption of Business Tax免征营业税
- NP no protest免作拒付证书
- a constructive,strategic partnership between China and the United Stated aimed at the next century面向21世纪的中美建设性伙伴关系
- face value面值
- PV par value;present value面值,现值
- Descriptive Study描述性研究
- s second;shilling秒,第二,先令
- extinct species灭绝的物种
- folk mining民采矿
- norm of civil law民法法律规范
- General Principles of Civil Law民法通则
- 1st CD DIVISION民防第一分区
- OC CD Provost Unit民防纠察组主任
- Commandant CD Detention Barracks民防拘留营司令
- Workers民工
- "The Tide of Migrant Laborers"民工潮
- Minister of Civil Aviation民航大臣
- aviation authority民航当局
- Officer-in-Charge Civil Resources Section民间资源组组长
- Civil Rights Act民权法
- civil penalty民事罚款
- civil tribunal民事审判庭
- civil liability民事责任
- methods of bearing civil liability民事责任承担方式
- Mingxia Aluminium Products (Changshu) Co.,Ltd.民夏铝业常熟有限公司
- Mingxia Aluminium Products (Changshu) Co.,Ltd. - Shanghai Office民夏铝业常熟有限公司上海事务所
- Food is What Matters to the People民以食为天
- privately owned enterprise民营公司
- private enterprise民营企业
- Civil民用的,民事的
- non-Communist parties,federations of industry and commerce,personages without party affiliation民主党派、工商联与无党派人士
- Committee for Ethnic and Religious Affairs民族和宗教委员会
- regional ethnic autonomy民族区域自治
- ethnic affairs commission民族委员会
- major province of ethnic cultures民族文化大省
- national problem民族问题
- Main Plan Ltd.敏宝有限公司
- Title名称,所有权
- Nagoya Stock Exchange名古屋证券交易所
- Malog Sanitary Ware Co.,Ltd.名浪卫浴洁具有限公司
- Asia Medialine (M) Sdn Bhd名乐誉马有限公司
- gain in both fame and wealth名利双收
- Nominal Capital名目资本
- famous brand products名牌产品
- Mr. Bear International Co.,Ltd.名品卫材有限公司
- Norminal GNP名义GNP
- NPC nominal protection coefficient名义保护系数
- notional principal名义本金
- nominal deposit名义存款
- notional sum名义金额
- nominal capital名义资本,额定资本
- nominal asset名义资产
- famous actor;famous high quality brand名优
- reputation rights名誉权
- Brilliant Building Materials Ltd.明利建材有限公司
- transparent consumption明明白白消费
- Minnesota Timberwolves明尼苏达森林狼队