It gives an overview that National Innovation System(NIS) was spontaneously gestated from Listian s nationalism elements and Schumpeterian s innovation theory.
国家创新体系学术思想有Schumpeter的创新学说和L ist的国家学说两大理论基石,通过对两种学说各自研究线路和主要内容的剖析和比较,探索各自在国家创新体系学术思想形成过程中所作的贡献,从而论证了国家创新体系是这两种学说交汇的产物;并指出正是由于这两种学说的交汇才产生了目前不同的学术认识和未来国家创新体系的研究趋势。
Marr and His Neo-Linguistic Theory;
The Criticism of Yang Shi on Wang Anshi’s New Learning;
On the New Learning and Old Learning During Later Qing Dynasty;
Differences between Neo-Confucianism and New Learning reflected these two theories had a basic gap.
Because people in Song Dynasty oppose to the monopoly of the ″Neo-study of the Classics″, they had not given a comprehensive comment on ″Wang Xue″——Wang An-shi s scholarship achievement,and only seriously criticized the final product of ″Neo-Study″ ——Neo-Commentaries on Three Classics.
发展到后世 ,尽管“新学”词义有变 ,但“荆公新学”终究成了“王学”的别称。
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