This paper introduces the technique of job hazard analysis, analyses with an example and gives the ideas of establishing operation procedures by integrating the measures into operations.
Normalized operation procedures are key of jet fuel quality control during shipment.
This paper sketches experience in the operation procedure of circulating fluid-bed boiler,proposing to regulate steam temperature in advance,balancing water level regulation,quantifying coal supply regulation,discharging waste frequently and in small amount and dischanging ash in time.
A three-tier formal data matrix based on the two-step quantitative planning strategy is proposed in this paper to support planning of operating procedures.
From risk management techniques,the paper identifies,distinguishes the risks in the organizations of outdoor sports,as well as the efficient methods to tackle with them according to the traits of the outdoor sports and the organizations,thus establishing a series of standard operating procedures on the risk management of outdoor sports organizatio.
On the basis of the System Non-optimum Theory and the forewarning management principle, a frame of the forewarning management system of civil aviation transportation disasters are discussed on an airline company, concerning such aspects as the guiding ideology, work content, operation model and operation sequence etc.
This article defined the teaching model of open experiments and then analyzed its six structural elements,including theoretical basis,teaching aims,operation sequence,the roles of teachers and students,teaching tactics and assessment.
, all kinds of innovative skills and techniques have its clear basic principle and operation sequence.
列举法是一种成熟的创新技法,包括特性列举法、缺点列举法、希望点列举法三类,各类创新技法有其明确的基 本原理和操作程序。
Then the principle, method and programme operation of geometry precision measurement are discussed.
The master document needs to be saved. Please save it now and try the operation again.
To recover, as from depression or disappointment.
Scheduling reboot operation: Renaming file [2] to [3]. Reboot to complete the operation.
Scheduling reboot operation: Deleting file [2]. Reboot to complete the operation.
计划重新启动操作: 删除文件 [2]。重新启动来完成操作。
Scheduling reboot operation: Deleting file [2]. Must reboot to complete operation.
正在安排重新启动操作: 删除文件 [2]。只有重新启动后操作才能完成。
Reboot is required after the restore operation. Do you want to reboot your machine?
The operation could not be completed because of an error on the network. Try to log on to the network again, and then repeat the operation.
"This synchronization is not scheduled to run again.
The restore operation will not proceed, since reboot is required.
To try connecting again, do the following:
The process encountered a deadlock and is retrying the operation.
Operating System: Reconfiguration (Unplanned)
操作系统: 重新配置(没有计划的)
Schema update failed: Duplicate msDS-INtId. Retry the operation.
架构更新失败: msDS-INtId 已存在。重新尝试此操作。
You have reset the TipWizard. The TipWizard may display tips you have already seen.
The operator overloading supports the implementation of new types that may be operated upon transparently .
Scheduling reboot operation: Renaming file [2] to [3]. Must reboot to complete operation.
正在安排重新启动操作: 将文件 [2] 重命名为 [3]。只有重新启动后操作才能完成。
This operator is being notified for the following Alert(s) and/or Job(s). Do you want to reassign the responsibilities of this operator to another operator?
An export of browser settings is already in progress. This export must complete before this operation can be performed again.
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