The existing problems such as indistinct sorting of products in supervision and administration, low utilization rate of quality supervision and testing equipment in enterprises, deficient detailed regulations for production permit, insufficient strength in supervision and inspection after obtaining a license etc in licensing work of wood-based panels are analyzed.
The disclosure and license of pate.
Methods Sanitation permission of cosmetic in 27 units was investigated during the period from 21, Feb to 2, Mar 2001.
方法 2 0 0 1年 2月 2 1日~ 3月 2日对 2 7家化妆品经营和使用单位进行了卫生许可批件的现况调查 ,并分析存在的问题 ,提出相应的对策。
These policies are policies integrated of system security, data security and user security, and introduce the authentication of Database, exterior, enterprise and user and the permission res.
However, some of p roposed models are based role, and permission-based models are too complex to m anage.
The implementation of sand excavation licensing in river course management in the Yangtze River not only re- lates to the interests of sand excavators, but also affects the stability of river condition, flood safety and navigation safety as well as realization targets of legal provisions, scientific in the management of sand excavation operation.
,patenting,licensing and litigation.
The intellectual property licensing is the main means of the intellectual property implement and it is helpful to realize the profit maximization.
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