Experimental and applied study on sequential celiac-chemotherapy in trancatheter arterial chemotherapeutic embolization for hepatocellular carcinoma;
A sequential auxiliary particle filtering(SAPF) method is proposed to identify a non-stationary dynamic system with abrupt changes of system parameters.
A sequential Least Squares Support Vector Machines(SLS-SVM) method is proposed for identification of structural systems in this paper.
An application of sequential simulation to reservoir modeling;
The sequential probability ratio test (SPRT), one of hypothesis test methods, is analyzed, and an improved sequential probability ratio test method for pipeline leaks detection is proposed considering the OC-courve and the ASN-function.
通过对一种假设检验方法———序贯概率比检测的性能进行分析 ,考虑描述其性能的 2个参数———操作线和平均样本数函数 ,提出了将序贯概率比检测应用于管道泄漏判断的方法。
Evaluation of macrolides sequential therapy for the treatment of Mycoplasma pneumonia pneumonia;
Clinical research of sequential therapy in acute promyelocytic leukemia;
Objective To evaluate the effects of sequential therapy and concurrent therapy for stage Ⅲ non-small-cell lung cancer(NSCLC).
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