Based on the “amplifying” idea,simple circuits for measuring the gate delay,dynamic power,leakage power,and their variations for a 90nm process are designed.
In this paper, a lumped RLC interconnect tree for gate output is modeled with a simple circuit segment, and the gate load delay is then calculated.
利用一段简单的电路模型对门输出端的集总RLC互连树建模并计算门负载延迟 采用二叉树的数据结构表示集总RLC互连树 ,从而快速计算互连树入端导纳的分量 ,进一步导出Π RLC模型中的R1,L1,C1和C2 参数 ,计算出斜坡输入时的门负载延迟 实验证明 ,应用文中模型计算出的门负载延迟与Spice延迟偏差不超过 3% ,因此该模型适合设计验证中门延迟的近似计
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