Based on 3D nonlinear FE(finite element)analyses of T-stub steel connections of high strength friction grip bolt,this paper probes into the effects of factors,such as the pitch of bolts and the thicknesses of T-stub flange,column flange and web,on the initial connection stiffness of joints as well as the ductile failure and contact state of beam.
Tensile,compression,torsion,and fine blanking tests of 45 steel were performed, and the stress triaxiality and ductile damage of each test are analyzed with FEM.
Based on the continuum damage mechanics(CDM),a unified model of ductile damage evolution is proposed.
In this paper, the plastic strain energy that a material absorbs in static loading is used to define the ductile damage variable of the material, which could overcome the limitations of the other definitions and describe all damage changes in the ductile damaging process.
Compared with polycrystalline Cu, the as-cast single crystal copper shows better plasticity and extensibility, and has a lower electricity resistance.
结果表明 :和多晶铜相比 ,单晶铜在铸态时具有良好的塑性和较低的电阻率 ,并具有优异的室温延展性 ,其延伸率可达 6 10 0 %以上 ;冷拉拔加工后单晶铜表现出更大的加工硬化现象 ,但采用合理的退火工艺可使其加工硬化得到缓解。
An Orthogonal Anisotropic Ductile Damage Model Applicable to Deep- drawing Forming Limits
The Mechanism of the Ischemic Reperfusion Injury-Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness;
Ischemical Reperfusion Injury-A Possible Procedure In Delayed Onset Muscular Soreness(DOMS);
Study on the change of bFGF in reticular formation of medulla oblongata after primary brain-stem injury;
The Acupuncture Points Burns a Method to Delay Sex Muscle to Hurt the Athlete Restored of Influence
Effects and Mechanisms of Initial Damage on Ductile Fracture Initiation Toughness of Different Microstructures of Steel;
Sevoflurane preconditioning induced delayed neuroprotection against focal cerebral ischemia in rats
Research of Different Square Traditional Chinese Medicine Influencing Sport Postponement Muscle and Its Functional Mechanism;
The Fxperimental Study about the Quantitative EMG Signal Parameter of Delayed onset Muscle Damage of Rats after Eccentric Exercise;
Ultrastructural studies on reticular formation of medulla oblongata in the early stage of brain stem mechanical injury in rats.;
Compound traditional Chinese medicine and changes in serum index of exercise-induced muscle injury: A randomized controlled experiment
Noninvasive delayed limb ischemic preconditioning decreases cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats
Application of naloxone hydrochloride in the treatment of persisting coma after severe craniocerebral trauma
Comparison of therapeutic effects between extended daily hemodialysis and extended daily hemofiltration for acute kidney injury after orthotopic cardiac transplantation
Experimental Study of Kidney Injury with Delayed Fluid Resuscitation after Severe Burn in Rats at High Altitude;
mechanical injury
机械性损伤 以机械性暴力所致的损伤。
Analysis of Concrete Damage Mechanism and Critical Damage Characteristics;
Ultrasonographic diagnosis of small bowel injury after blunt trauma
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