Computer simulation show that the filter precisions of DD1 correspond to the filter precisions of EKF,and that the filter precisions of DD2 are near even over the filter precisions of UKF.
Using the generalized Piconetype idetities on non-isotropic Heisenberg group,the new first order interpolation inequalities were obtained on non-isotropic Heisenberg group.
The results show that the first difference absolute value can reflect sensitively the contiguous data of quality indexes in time sequence,the directional fluctuation not considered,and the first difference absolute value standard deviation can reflect the overall situation of contiguous data fluctuation of a group of quality indexex data.
Application of MFOSM(mean first order second moment)method to non-sudden risk analysis of water quality;
According to the first derivative ratio spectrum of the procaine hydrochloride,the peak valley method was applied for the determination at 221 and 231 nm.
应用比值光谱一阶导数法测定盐酸普鲁卡因注射液含量,依据盐酸普鲁卡因比值导数光谱选择221 nm 和231 nm 作为测定波长,比值光谱一阶导数值与浓度(5 ~30 μg/mL) 线性关系良好,能有效消除其降解产物对氨基苯甲酸的干扰,结果与药典方法比较没有显著差异( P> 0-05) 。
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