By starting with the forming principle of painting spary of silver white paint, and controlling measures of paint film quality so as to fast and exactly solve problems of painting spary quality in the production process were discussed in this paper.
Analysis on the Factors Affecting Regeneration System of Populus alba;
Optimization of antibiotic concentration in genetic transformation of Populus alba.;
Establishment of high frequency regeneration system of adventitious bud from leaves of Populus alba;
Genetic relationship between parents and hybrid progenies of Populus alba L. ×Ulmus pumila L. using AFLP marker.;
) forests mixed with white (Populus alba L.
)/银白杨(Populus alba L)混交林林分结构和产量。
This article mainly deals with an ancient steel sword with silvery white pattern, its shape and basic information through an analysis of synchronous radiation X-ray fluorescence.
The results showed that passivation owns characteristics of silvery white, certain thickness and good corrosion resistance of the coating of the products.
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