In different categories, the stipulations like"national relevant stipulations"have different effects in which some are absolute effective, some are relatively effective, and some are unclear.
The Legislative Perfection of "National Relevant Stipulations"in China;
Rules and regulations worked out by discipline inspection Bodies concerning how to keep clean and honest
Article147 The Maritime Law of the PRC is applicable to marine insurance. For the matters where the Maritime Law does not specify, this Law shall be applicable.
Article153 For marine insurance the relevant provisions of the commercial maritime law shall be abided by. This law shall apply to matters not covered by the commercial maritime law.
Some regulations in the“ Reply” are illegal.
The name of a branch shall be in conformity with the relevant provisions of the state.
Examination and approval procedures-shall be undertaken according to relevant regulations of the State
Platinum (white gold) shall be controlled in accordance with the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China.
The employer should given a certain economic compensation to the employees being cut according to the relevant provisions of the State.
If conforming to relevant regulations, accelerated depreciation method may be adopted.
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade [GATT]
however, except there are otherwise provisions in the relevant laws and administrative regulations of China and the present Provisions.
exchange of information rules
In case of absence of laws or regulations for the WTO purpose, new legislation will be enacted.
Article 19.Where preexisting administrative regulations relating to copyright conflict with these Provisions, these Provisions shall apply.
(4) The contracts that shall be deemed to be null and void in accordance with the related laws and regulations.
- the relevant provisions of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights,
- 《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》的相关规定,
If laws or administrative regulations provide otherwise concerning the government authority that is to exercise the power to impose administrative punishments, matters shall be handled in accordance with the relevant laws or administrative regulations.
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