Gas reservoir development indicates that edge water drive gas reservoir is much lower in recovery efficiency compared to fixed volume gas reservoir.
In this paper,techniques of tracer monitoring are successfully applied in development exploitation of edge water drive reservoir,the course and velocity of edge water propulsion are confirmed.
成功地将示踪剂监测技术应用于边水驱油藏的开发 ,根据边水可能的推进方向 ,在上游井排中选择有代表性的井注入示踪剂 ,在下游井中进行监测 ,得到示踪剂的参数 ,可以定量地描述边水的推进规律及速度 ,研究油藏平面和纵向上的非均质性 ,得到高渗透水淹层的厚度及渗透率 ,为进一步提高采收率方法研究提供可靠的依
Based on material balance principle and one-dimension two-phase unsteady water drive theory, the water breakthrough model of line well pattern in edge water drive reservoir is established, and the front advance velocity equation is derived at the same time.
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