This paper discusses the system of hyperbolic equations(Et+∧x+C(x)V=Φ(x,t)f(x) in the condition of known matrix∧,C(x),Φ(x,t) and the inverse problem,boundary condition determines the right-hand member f(x).
讨论了双曲方程组(E t+∧x+C(x)V=Φ(x,t)f(x)在矩阵∧,C(x),Φ(x,t)为已知的情况下,由边界条件确定右端项的f(x)一类反问题。
In the field of information theory, cybernetics and econometrics, linear systems with multiple right-hand sides attract much interest.
This thesis is concerned with Krylov subspace methods for solving large linear systems with multiple right-hand sides.
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