An analasis on the necessity of establishing strategic petroleum reserve for China concerning the increasing degree of dependence upon petroleum import;
Based on the analytical results of supply and demand for petroleum resources of China at current stage,some major issues to be focused on in setting up China's strategic petroleum reserve are put forward.
通过对我国目前石油资源供需状况的分析 ,提出了建立我国战略石油储备应考虑的一些问题。
A new vessel,the prestressed concrete (PRC) oil tank,for the strategic petroleum reserve(SPR) was represented.
对正在开展的战略石油储备 ,提出用地中预应力混凝土罐进行石油储存 。
To achieve the strategic oil storage days for nation or region,according to analyze the historic data of oil discontinuity,this paper established the probability model of oil discontinuity days based on complex Poisson process.
With a rapid change in energy consumption and its poor imaged resource base, a major task of the country in the early of 21st century would be to pursue a diversified supply source and model, to construct a stable strategic oil reserve system, and to enlarge the domestic source base as much as possible.
鉴于迅速变化的消费结构、有限的资源和生态环境基础, 21世纪中国能源安全的基本任务是:在不断扩大资源国际化的基础上,实现资源进口来源和方式的多样化以及及早建立国家石油战略储备体系。
We should build the legal system of the strategic oil reserve.
Research on Facilities of Strategic Petroleum Reserve;
Finally,it discusses the impacts of strategic petroleum reserve on the cost of oil import under the scenario of high oil price.
On the basis of this,author conceives to build Lanzhou into petrol strategic stockpile base in the northwest.
Necessity to Establish State Strategic Petroleum Reserve and Enterprise State Strategic Petroleum Reserve;
Comparison of International Strategic Oil Reserves System and Oil Reserves in China
Legal System Construction for China s Strategic Oil Reserve;
Establishing a Strategic Oil Reserve for China s Energy Security;
建立战略石油储备 保障国家能源安全
Probing into establishing and perfecting China strategic petroleum reserving
A Summary of Strategic Oil Storage System and Storage Technology of Main Oil Consumption Countries in the World;
Analysis on Several Factors Affecting Economic Benefits of China s Strategic Oil Storage;
Major Issues on Setting up China s Strategic Petroleum Reserve;
A Preliminary Study of the US Petroleum Policy Evolution and the Formation of the US Strategy Petroleum Reserve Policy;
An analasis on the necessity of establishing strategic petroleum reserve for China concerning the increasing degree of dependence upon petroleum import;
Meanwhile, Chinese government is pressing the national strategic petroleum reserve to maintain the national security.
Probability Model and Its Application of Strategic Oil Storage Based on Complex Poisson Process;
U.S.Petroleum Strategic Reserves Program
Discussion on Establishment and Improvement of Petroleum Strategic Storage in China;
Index System for Selection of Strategic Petroleum Reserve Bases;
Strategy and Layout of Chinese Petroleum Reserves in Early 21 st Century;
Establishing Petroleum Strategic Reserves,Ensuring Safety of Country;
建立石油战略储备 确保国家安全
Strategic reserve and dynamics of oil consumption;
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