First, some properties of parameters r, q, δ which satisfy these restricted equation by using the property of matrix trace were got.
This paper has testified the matrix trace inequalities are more closely to arithmetical-geometrical average inequalities according to the inequality form, which brought forward as “matrix trace inequalities analogy to the arithmetical-geometrical average inequalities” by R.
Bellman提出的“类似于算术 -几何平均不等式的矩阵迹不等式”在形式上更接近算术-几何平均不等式的矩阵迹不等式 |tr( mk =1Ak) |1 /m ≤ 1m mk =1trAk 且证明了更一般的结论及相关重要结果|tr( mk=1Atkk)|1 /Tm ≤ 1Tm mk=1tk·tr(AkA k) 1 / 2 和| ti=1tr( mk=1A(i)k )|≤ mk=1{ ti=1[tr(A(i)k A(i) k ) αk/ 2 ]βi/αk} 1 / βi,其中Tm = mk =1tk,tk,αk,βi 是正整数 , mk =1α-1k ≥ 1 , ti=1β-1i ≥ 1 。
In general,the trace of matrix deals only with square matrixs,and in this paper,we generalize this trace of matrix to general matrixs.
Some inequalities of matrix-traces on C~*-algebra M_n(A);
In this note,for a C*-algebra A,we study the properties of a matrix-trace on the C*-algebra Mn(A) which is a positive linear mapping τ:Mn(A)→A,such that τ(u*au)=τ(a)(a∈Mn(A)),u∈U(Mn(A)) and τ(a2)≤(τ(a))2(a≥0),and obtain some inequalities on arithmetic-geometric mean.
Bellman inequalities of generalized matrix trace;
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