Using the anaerobic baffled reactor(ABR) to treat the domestic wastewater,this paper researched on the influence of each room of ABR when organic shock loading and hydraulicshock loading are changing.
The effect of shock load on performance of the reactor was studied.
The a bility to resist shock loading could be enhanced by supplement of trace metals t o the anaerobic reactor.
不同水力停留时间 (HRT)下的运行情况对比表明 ,投加微量金属元素Fe ,Co,Ni可以提高厌氧反应器的抗冲击负荷能力。
The microbial community structure in the bioaugmented system for refinery wastewater treatment and the changes in this system when it received shock loading were studied using ERIC-PCR technology.
In this study, conventional activated sludge (CAS) systems, which were generally used to treat municipal wastewater, were modeled to receive intermittent 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) shock loadings.
研究了用于处理生活污水的普通活性污泥反应器 (CAS)受到 2 ,4 二氯酚 (2 ,4 DCP)间歇性负荷冲击时 ,投加高效菌的生物强化系统和对照系统对污染物的响应及系统稳定性 ,并考察了长期运行过程中强化系统对目标污染物去除能力的变化 。
Intermittent and continuous shock loading had been observed during the 5-month operation of sorbitol wastewater treatment system using activated sludge process.
Under several times of shock loading,the effluen.
在若干冲击负荷下检测的出水COD均在 20 mg·L-1左右,SS均为 0。
Under shock loading of triple normal strength Recirculated Membrane Bio Reactor (RMBR)for domestic wastewater treatment exhibited high stability,the effluent COD concentration maintained normal value while mixed liquor supernatant COD value as well as TransMembrane Pressure(TMP)showed only slight increase.
分置式膜 -生物反应器处理生活污水的运行结果表明 ,在 3倍于正常水平的冲击负荷下 ,分置式膜 -生物反应器能够正常运行 ,膜过滤出水 COD维持在 1 0 mg/ L以下 ,生物反应器污泥上清液 COD和透膜压力 TMP比正常水平略微上升 ,但在冲击负荷消除后能够恢复正常水平 ,呈现出较强的抗冲击负荷能力 。
The experimental results indicated that the PFB process used in coal mine water purification was characterized by high surface loading,low water consumption rate,and satisfied adoption of shock loading.
Study on theory and arithmetic of electric energy measurement for impact load;
Based on abovementioned, it is pointed out that there is some adjusting operational experience suit for middle-small town WWTP facing with bigger fluctuation of influent quantity and higher impact load.
Based on theoretical analyses and experiments,main reasons have been discovered that cause excessive impact load on the wrapper roll of down coiler.
在理论分析和试验研究的基础上 ,找出地下卷取机助卷辊冲击负荷过大的主要原因。
In this article,Th author analysised the course of kinds impulsive load and its affection to the oporation of heavy metals wastewater treatment facilities,the affection of initial rain was mainly studied,and countermeasures were drown out.
The impulsive load during the process of steel rolling in metallurgical industry has asignificant effect on power system stability.
This filter is more resistant to some types of shock loading.
Software Used in Computer Forecast Control System for Impulse Load of a Power Network in China
The Research of Spinal Cord Influence by the Impacting to the Lamina;
Analysis and Management of Voltage Fluctuation of Distribution Network Caused by Surge Load;
A Research of Character and Modeling Method for Impact Loads in Power Systems
Forecasting of Load Impact Based on Modified Models for Time Series
Effect of Hydraulic Loading Rate on the Performance of Night-soil Wastewater Land Treatment Technology
Impact of Shock Load on Power System Considering Probability
The ability resisting the change of the organic loading rate of the reactor in the stabilization stage was stronger than that in the start up stage.
Simulation study of effects of high-capacity impact loads on nearby turbine-generators in Tianjin power system
Relevant research of spinal cord blood flow and the evoked potential by the extramarrow impacting
Short-term Forecasting of the High-capacity Impact Load Based on Particle Filters
This is especially true where the effluent is being discharged to a municipal sewer to avoid shock loadings to the treatment plant.
The Design and Application of Reactive Power Compensation for Impact Load;
Including the Impact of the Load of Industrial Power Supply System Transient Stability Analysis
Investigation of Load Impact on Output Capability of Impulse Voltage Generators
Influence of nitrogen loading and high temperature shock for running of UASB-ANAMMOX reactor
Influence of High-Capacity Impact Loads on Transient Stability of Regional Power System;
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