In allusion to the displacement development and landslide of Ren Che railway slope of Fushun West Open pit Coal Mine,verhulst forecasting model and cusp catastrophe forecasting model of equating dimension information had been found through five forecasting theory analysis of landslide disasters.
针对抚顺西露天矿人车卷边坡的变形发展和滑坡 ,通过 5种滑坡灾害预报理论的分析 ,建立了等维新息 Verhulst和等维新息尖点突变 2种滑坡预报模型。
Predictions of surface subsidence and application of rational fraction to the predictions;
Summarizing of the existing state of study on prediction of coal and gas burst;
Monitoring and forecasting technology of spontaneous combustion in roadway of high-toughness inflammable very thick seam;
Study on the Analysis of Air Pollution Forecasting by Models-3/CMAQ Model in Zhengzhou;
Study and forecasting on red tide caused by marine physical factors;
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