Implementation of intermediate language in process of decompiling based on IDA
The design and implement of intermediate language in decompilation system greatly affects generality and practicability of decompilation.
逆编译系统中中间语言的设计和实现极大地影响逆编译的实用型和通用性 。
Along with rules and optimizing strategies,the program is transformed to intermediate language.
该文给出一种程序转换方法,应用软件二进制程序经IDA Pro反汇编得汇编语言程序,依据下推自动机原理设计汇编文法识别该汇编文件、制定相应的转换规则和优化措施将汇编语言转换成中间语言。
This paper firstly discusses the use of dynamic migration strategy to integrate the resources in distance education system in terms of practical application,puts forward the methods of using middle language technology to realize data migration,and presents an implementing scheme for XML so as to provide a referential method for the sufficient and effective management of teaching res.
In this paper the middle language in Chinese query systems of GIS is studied.
The idea that use the structure of semantic meaning query tree as middle language is put forward.
The Design of a Multi-Lingual Communication Platform Based on Interlingua;
The key of the interlingua-based MT system is the design of the interlingua.
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