A test and maintenance platform using a general circuit board tester was designed for testing special BUS using circuit modules.
In the process of special bus design for a peripheral to ARM9 processor,the system is broken down because of bus-competing,and the physical address can not be directly accessed by the programs in Windows CE.
针对ARM9处理器专用总线扩展时存在总线竞争以及Windows CE系统下的应用程序不能直接访问外设物理地址等问题,以S3C2410处理器通过HPI接口扩展TMS320VC5402型DSP为例,提出了一种专用总线设计方法,并对防止总线竞争和Windows CE系统下总线设备的虚拟地址编程访问进行了详细分析。
In the term it realizes synchronization gathering in high amplifying and several different filter cutoff frequencies by the research of signal conditioning module(AMC3301) and special SCP bus.
:This paper sets forth a special serial-bus to process multi-site data in a computer application field by designing a simulative screen in electrical resource allocation and gives a detailed account of the key parts of the bus
In this paper,combining part drawing of water and electricity station,primary attempt to CAD secondary exploration of hydraulic engineering is made,including development of special line-type and filling and Visual Lisp language,etc.
Special Bus Design Method of ARM Processor Based on Windows CE
基于Windows CE的ARM9处理器专用总线设计方法
Design of VXI-Bus-Specific of Parallel Data Communication Module
Study on PCI Bus Motion Control Card Special for Laser Processing;
Research on Special Open Numerical Control System Based on PCI Bus
Reflection on the EPC general contract design work of the special railway
The Calculation of FIFO Buffer Size in a Nonstandard Spaceborne High Speed Data Bus Structure
USB (universal serial Bus)
G.M.B. Maxicab Operators General Association Limited
Application of CC-Link Fieldbus on Generator Piled and Released Push Rod Chain
CC-Link专题系列之一 CC-Link总线在发动机积放式推杆悬链中的应用
The Application and Research of Fieldbus and Expert System in the Chemical Examination Station of the Power Plant;
line serving siding
token bus network
权标总线网 -曾用名: 令牌总线网
Comparing the Application of Bus RS 485 With that of Bus CAN;
RS 485总线与CAN总线应用比较
a private office sacred to the President.
If the President of the United States needs to talk to Moscow in secret he can use the hot line, actually a direct teleprinter link betweenthe White House and the Kremlin.
And the way you always hit it just below your waistline looks so professional.
Zero: It was a hotline call from Khrushchev to President Johnson.
Architectural design about operation and dispatching system of railway passen-ger dedicated line
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