Assessment,development and protection of know-how;
Study on Legal Protection of Know-how Transfer to China by Transnational Corporations;
The article expounds on definitions and characteristics of patents and know-how,introduces fee accounting modes and fee accounting models of these two kinds of invisible assets and illustrates these models' application with practical examples.
Chinese Proper Names Recognition Based on Dynamic Bayesian Network;
Chinese Proper Names Recognition Based on Pattern Matching;
The author makes the first attempt in the field of translation criticism to discuss the mistakes in the Chinese notes and translations in the 12 issues of the 2002 year English of Science and Technology Learning from the following aspects: sense of duty, context and meaning, mistranslations of words, proper names and grammar.
This paper discusses the legal protection of the technical know-how from the three aspeatswhich are its measures for maintaining secresy, self-protection and application of the contract law, the criminal law and the law against illegal competition.
The paper establishes concept systems of the firm bioengineering based on the knowledge,and studies the enterprise exclusive knowledge(enterprise gene team) innovation mechanism and process,in which the article has emphatically constructed and explained the enterprise exclusive knowledge continual innovation di.
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