Formation mechanism of turbidite reservoirs in Sha3 member of Shahejie Formation,Dongying Depression;
Ordovician turbidite and its potential in gold exploration in Heilongjiang Province;
Sedimentary characteristics of the turbidites and oil and gas accumulation in the secondary depressions in eastern China;
The origin analysis of S3 segment turbidite fans in Westen sag,Liaohe depression;
Relation between infilling patterns of short-term base-level cycle and macroscopic reservoir heterogeneity-taking Chang6 to Chang7 turbidite fan of Yanchang Formation in Longdong area as an example;
Analysis on genesis of turbidite fan of the Third Member of Shahejie Formation in the south of Huanxiling Oilfield;
Quantitative study on key control factors for reservoir formation in turbidity sand;
The application of the log constrained inversion description technique for turbidite sandstones in Shinan area.;
A study on reservoir characteristics of the turbidite sand body Shasan intermediate member in Niuzhuang sag in Dongying depression;
Statistic and regressive analyses have been carried out for petrophysical character and seismic attributes of known turbidite sand body in Es3 of Niuzhuang sub-sag.
对牛庄洼陷沙三段已知浊积砂体的岩石物性和地震属性进行统计、回归等分析,研究表明:①牛庄洼陷沙 三段不同岩性的速度具有一定差异,灰质砂岩速度最高,砂岩速度次之,泥岩速度最低;②反射振幅值太强和太 弱的浊积砂体,其储层物性都不好,根据其反射振幅值可定性地判断砂体储层物性;③全区难以确定统一的地 震属性与储层参数的对应关系,但同一个砂体,影响其反射振幅变化的外在因素基本相同,可应用回归经验公 式对其物性进行定量计算;④在利用地震属性预测储层物性时,不能片面、盲目地追求预测方法和计算模型的 普适性。
Sha3 lower member in Langgu Sag is deep-water lacustrine deposit, and turbidite sand body reservoir of flood genesis is found in An421 well in Zhongchakou area.
Faces-controlling reservoir prediction of turbidity channel sandstone reservoir of Es_3 in Bonan subsag;
A deep submarine canyon and turbidity channels were developed along the hanging wall of faulting break zone as a result of the 13.
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