Also,it demarcates the length and width rate of the collected images ,which is the premise of handling and solving the problems of the programme accuracy testing with the images.
Based on the error analysis of P-wave amplitude measurement, the effect from the mutual positions(axis s offset and rotation)of the sensors through the experiments was studied.
在分析实验室纵波幅度测量误差来源的基础上 ,实验考察了纵波声学换能器的相对位置 (轴线偏移与旋转 )对纵波幅度测量的影响 ,发现 :旋转不会对纵波声速、幅度的测量产生影响 ;轴线偏移不会对纵波声速产生影响 ,但会对纵波幅度产生较大的影响。
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