International parallel test on the measurement of shear modulus of sand using bender elements;
Through two calculating methods, this paper probes into the calculation on batch standard deviation and detection limit of the empty parallel tests on NO X and SO 2 measurement by using spectrophotometry, pointing out that the direct calculation with absorbency is a better method in environmental monitoring quality control.
文章通过两种计算方法 ,对分光光度法测 NOX和 SO2 的空白平行试验批内标准偏差和检出限计算进行了探讨 ,指出在环境监测质量控制中 ,用吸光度直接计算是较好方法。
The sensitivity for the parallel test of GAD-Ab and ICA w.
To prevent leakage of test content between administrations, for any one test several test papers are employed, which are called parallel forms of the same test.
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