The thermal fatigue liveswere evaluated by the methods of equivalent strain range and equivalent plastic strain energy density.
The experiments confirm that the equivalent strain range from Mises equivalent theory is related with the life as Manson Coffin formula.
25Cr1Mo steel, the high temperature low cycle fatigue life was evaluated by the criterions of equivalent strain range, equivalent plastic strain energy and equivalent gross energy.
2 5Cr1Mo钢材料圆柱形试件的高温低周疲劳行为的研究 ,用当量应变范围准则、当量塑性应变能准则和当量总应变能准则评价多维应力状态下的高温低周疲劳寿命。
The influence of phase on thermal mechanical fatigue life is discussed by comparing with three different kinds of the phenomenological descriptions of the life curves which are expressed in terms of mechanical strain range Δεm, total strain range Δεt and inelastical strain range Δεin respectively.
According to the character that for the high strength,low ductility alloys,the inelastic strains is small and difficult to determine,a modified method of Strain Range Partitioning (SRP) was presented.
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