Locating something in different coordinate systems involves the mapping transformation between them.
探讨了四元数作为表现旋转的可选择方法之一,其在手术导航系统中的应用·分析了在不同坐标系中定位必然涉及的坐标系之间映射变换·从理论上研究了四元数在手术导航定位系统坐标映射变换以及在手术导航空间配准中应用的问题,并给出了具体的仿真结果·结果表明,将四元数法应用于手术导航系统中,成功地解决了手术导航系统的两大技术难题空间配准和定位问题,在自行设计和实际开发的手术导航模体演示系统NEU IGSS中,得到了成功的应用
A new topology optimization model for continuum structures under multiple loading cases and stress constraints was established based on the concept of independent continuous topology design variable and mapping transformation method.
针对多工况连续体结构拓扑优化常见模型中存在的目标函数非连续性 ,基于独立连续拓扑变量概念及映射变换方法 ,建立了多工况应力约束下连续体结构拓扑优化新的连续模型 。
The paper states the principle on a mapping transformation method.
In this paper,the author use the method of mapping transformation to calculate the index of reliability β for the safe coefficient K=2 at the probable ratio of variable load and permanent load in practice of construction,and giving the relation function of ρ,β.
And a new interactive method which is mapping transformation is designed to pick up points.
At first, the projective transformation matrix between the image plane and the ground plane on that the biped robot walks is established.
A Middle-Feature Model for Indirect Mapping from Manufacturing-Feature to Fixture-Feature;
Study on mapping National Health Information Conceptual Data Model to HL7 reference information model;
国家卫生信息概念数据模型与HL7 RIM的映射研究
Modeling and mapping implementation of electronic voltage transformer based on IEC61850;
The Reflection of English and Chinese Cultural Differences in English and Chinese Proverbs;
To resolve the problem,an effective method of maintaining BOM consistency based on the reflection table and comprehensive chained l.
The reflection between device and figure was -determined by conventional power dispatch procedures.
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