Thermal debinding behavior of the initial stage in MIM;
In Jiang Zemin s socialist developing theory, socialist primary stage is just the initial stage of the whole socialist developing history.
江泽民同志关于社会主义初级阶段是整个建设有中国特色社会主义历史过程的初始阶段的重要思想 ,准确阐释了“社会主义初级阶段”和“建设有中国特色社会主义”的关系 ,丰富和发展了社会主义发展阶段理论 ,对于建设有中国特色社会主义的伟大事业具有长远的指导意义。
The motion of the liquid jet from a swirl nozzle at its initial stage has been studied theoretically.
应用质量守恒定律和动量守恒定律 ,建立了描述旋流喷嘴射流初始阶段运动规律的非线性常微分方程组 ,该方程组可以用数值方法方便地求解 。
were cultivated at (25±1)℃and the metabolic mechanism during initial germinating stages was discussed by measuring the changes of moisture content,respiratory rate,stored materials,enzymes activities and hormone contents.
Thehardening curve can be divided into three stages, i. e. first, rapid-hardening andsaturated stage.
At this early stage of the negotiation both side be still feeling their way
在这谈判的初始阶段, 双方尚十分谨慎
At this early stage of the negotiation both side is still feeling their way.
在这谈判的初始阶段, 双方尚十分谨慎。
the event consisting of the start of something.
At this early stage of the negotiations both sides were still feeling their way.
在这谈判的初始阶段, 双方尚十分谨慎.
Cryonics is still in its youth.
At this early stage of the negotiation both sides were still feeling their ways.
A decision will be taken at the culmination of the initial research.
Research on motivation stimulating strategy at elementary stage of web-based learning;
From "Primary Stage Theory" to "Initial Stage Theory"--Recreation of socialist developing stages theory by Jiang Zemin;
The lines design and optimization for the 300,000t twin-skeg type VLCC was proceeded.
Motivation Arousing Strategy in the Initial Stage of Adult Learning Based on Network;
On the Diversification of the Development of the Higher Education Popularization in the Elementary Stage;
A Refined Congestion Control Scheme for Initial TCP Connection;
Reform of the Army Cadre Work in the Primary Phase of the Intellectual Military Affairs;
Studies on the Changes of Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Pinus Tabuliformis Seeds during Initial Germinating Stages
Impact Analysis of Content-based Instruction of American History and Culture to English Majors at the Beginning Stage
"Of or occurring near the beginning of a given series, period of time, or course of events:"
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