The digital simulation analysis for movements pressure con- verter have demonstrated that nonlinear PID controller used in switch mode DC power converter control is feasible.
The DC power modulation based multi-terminal HVDC (MTDC) transmission system can provide fast emergency power support to interconnected AC power grid more flexibly than conventional two terminal HVDC power transmission system and improve the stability of AC power gird.
The objective of DC power modulation is to damp the relative swing of angle and frequency of the two areas from COI.
针对交直流互联电力系统的稳定控制问题,提出了基于系统惯量中心(center of inertia,COI)动态信号的发电机励fr磁和直流功率调制综合控制方案。
The mechanism of UHVDC emergency DC power support (EDCPS) to enhance transient stability is analyzed based on the CCEBC/EEAC method.
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