Display angle method for removing and measuring deviation of magnetic compass;
Intellectual measurement and correction system for deviations of magnetic compass;
Semi-automatic Equipment for Rectifying Deviation of Magnetic Compass;
Based on the study of Doppler fuze,the frequency-hopping autodyne is designed to improve the anti-jamming ability of the fuze in this paper.
This paper deep analyzes the cause of several major deviation variation in theory and put forward of preventing and reducing the variation of deviation.
随着船舶跨洋航行 ,磁罗经自差经常出现随船舶纬度而发生较大变化的情况 ,针对自差的变化 ,从理论上深入地分析了硬铁半圆自差、软铁半圆自差、倾斜自差和感应自差随纬度变化的原因 ,并提出防止或减小自差变化的办法 。
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