Nonextensive thermostatistical investigation of free electronic gas in metal;
In the framework of free electron approximation,their Fermi level E F were determined by Fermi sphere according to the theory of free electron gas,and the average bond energies E m were calculated by free electronic band model.
对面心立方 (fcc)、体心立方 (bcc)和六角密堆积 (hcp)三种不同结构的晶体 ,在假设它们的原胞中包含8个价电子并将价电子近似为自由电子的情况下 ,采用“自由电子气理论”和“自由电子能带模型” ,研究其根据费米球确定的费米能级EF 与根据自由电子能带模型计算的平均键能Em。
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