It includes concrete with nanophase materials and carbon fibre reinforced concrete with self-sensing properties, self-damping concrete and self-repairin.
All Dielectric Self-Supporting(ADSS)fiber optical cables take place aeolian-vibration due to their low self-damping characteristics.
Aging experiment studies of aeolian vibration prevention effects on a 13-years-old operating 500 kV conductor with large span show that with the passage of time,the self-damping characteristics and the effect of vibration prevention measures of conductor and ground wire will gradually deteriorate.
通过对运行13年的某500 kV大跨越导线进行微风振动防振效果时效分析试验研究,证明随着运行时间的推移,线路导地线的自阻尼特性及防振措施性能将逐步劣化,建设初期所设计的防振措施将有可能不再有效地抑制微风振动,造成微风振动超标,这将会严重威胁大跨越线路的安全可靠运行。
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