Therefore, the total sulfur shall be controlled before the feed enters the reformer.
The paper summarized the methods of determining the sulfur content in petroleum and its products, including total sulfur, elemental sulfur, mercaptan and other sulfide etc.
It is pointed out that carbonyl sulfide is the main cause for overrun total sulfur concentration in propylene.
详细分析了安庆分公司Ⅱ套气体分馏装置精制液化石油气中各类硫化物在各塔顶底的分离与富集 ,指出羰基硫的存在是导致丙烯总硫浓度超标的主要原因 ,并提出了通过在醇胺法脱硫的溶剂MDEA中加入少量的DIPA或将含羰基硫的加氢尾气并入催化裂化和延迟焦化装置的气体分馏装置等措施。
DIPA had very obvious effect with take out general sulfur in dry gas,take out efficiency reached 99.
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