Appropriate method in determining the left-turn yellow interval in right-hand-side driving environment would result in signal timings that are either safer for left-turn vehicles or more efficient for intersections.
In recent years, left turning traffic lights have been installed at some main intersections in large and medium sized cities in China.
近年来 ,国内大中城市有些重要交叉口安装了左转专用信号灯 ,对这种路口的交通流分析迄今尚不多见 。
In recent years, left turning traffic signal lights have been installed at some main intersections in big cities in China.
近年来 ,中国大中城市道路主干线交叉口采用了左转专用信号灯 ,针对这种交叉口提出了一种车辆延误模型 ,并在上海市的一个典型交叉口上进行了实测验证 ,并对比分析了车辆按均匀分布和按负二项分布通过停车线的延误结果 ,将此模型与停车线延误模型及冲突点延误模型进行了对比。
Study on left-turn lane warrants for unsignalized intersections;
Aming at the design method of left-turn lane in highway intersection,referring to the design guides in developed countries,the deficiencies in the design guide of our country were analyzed.
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