The relations of the resistivity of the metal conductor versus specific action, pressure, energy density, expansion speed of explosive products, density of conductor current and dielectric etc.
叙述了金属导体电爆炸的物理过程 ,分析了金属导体电爆炸时电阻率与比作用量、压力、能量、密度、爆炸产物膨胀速度、导体电流密度及周围介质等影响因素的关系 ,从而确定电爆炸断路开关的一般设计原则。
To give the integral invariants of Birkhoff system, including the Poincaré Cartan integral invariant and the Poincaré linear integral invariant, the formula of the asynchronous variation of Pfaffian action and the Birkhoff equations were used.
利用 Pfaff作用量的非等时变分公式和 Birkhoff方程来求这些积分不变量 。
Firstly, the parametric equations for the Birkhoffian systems are established; secondly, the Noether s theorem and its inverse theorem for the systems are given, which are based upon the invariant properties of the Pfaffian action with respect to the action of the infinitesimal transformation; and finally, an examples is given to illustrate the application of the results.
In the model, theirrotationality of wave number vector and the wave action conservation equationare employed to deal with the wave refraction and diffraction under the effect ofcurrents.
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