- 教学规模:
- 周边环境:
- 收费合理:
- 教学设备:
- 教学质量:
- 师资力量:
- 校园环境:
- 社会影响:
- 校园食堂:
The aim of our school is to give happiness and fun to children that are from anywhere in the world, just as the Chinese name of our school means the spreading of joy in all directions and to all corners.
We aim to cultivate more knowledgeable, healthy and responsible citizens, that is so important to our society. Ever since our schools’ establishment, Funful have been aiming at this ambitious goal. Our school’s educational policy emphasise on balanced development of our students in morality, intelligence, physique, group life, outward beauty (good manners and appearance) and inner beauty (good-nature and good personality).
Our schools have used a beautiful matching colour scheme to create designs which have been continuously improved for children to learn at ease during play in a friendly and congenial environment. All equipments have the common aim of promoting health of our children. Large outdoor toys are good for gross motor development. The indoor gymnasium is specially built for children to use during hot or rainy weather. Other facilities consist of a doll centre, nature study library, little tuck-shop, ballet room, music room, small pool and an aquarium. All are specially designed for multidisciplinary development. Topics focus on units and group activities. The basic scheme of teaching is to divide students into small groups and to concentrate on teaching one subject at a time.
Guiding students to acquire good habits of cleanliness, orderliness, and mutual help and care of public property through play and demonstration. It is also our aim to help our students to find their own latent capabilities and to grow up as responsible persons. For many years, our schools have been the learning ground for observatory study by in-service training of social workers from Social Welfare Department and by students taking child care course certificate of the Hong Kong Polytechnic and child care course of Lee Wai Lie Techinical Institute. Their encouragements and professional guidance have kept our teachers so much with improving their social and teaching skills.
Funful English Primary School, Kindergarten and Children’s Corner have very busy work schedules that involve preparation of teaching material and extra-curricular activities. However, not a single one of our colleagues has ever complained. Everyone has planned and carried out work with a pleasant frame of the mind, and have shown respect and satisfaction to the profession. We are all aware of the need to care for the welfare of our society and pre-school education. The parents of our children are working to keep our community prosperous. In return, we are trying our best to teach our students and to provide more opportunities for parents to improve relationship with their children. This is what all the working and teaching staff of Funful English Primary School, Kindergarten and Children’s Corner are doing to show our appreciation to their support and encouragement.
- 上一个:深圳市龙岗区福安学校
- 下一个:深圳市宝安区塘尾万里学校