herald: [14] Etymologically, a herald is a ‘leader of an army’. The word comes via Old French herault from a prehistoric Germanic *khariwald-, a compound formed from *kharjaz ‘army’ (which occurs also in English harangue, harbinger, harbour, harness, and harry) and *wald- ‘rule’ (source of English wield). It is identical in origin with the personal name Harold. => harangue, harbinger, harbour, harness, harry, wield
herald (n.)
late 13c. (in Anglo-Latin); c. 1200 as a surname, "messenger, envoy," from Anglo-French heraud, Old French heraut, hiraut (12c.), perhaps from Frankish *hariwald "commander of an army," from Proto-Germanic *harja "army" (from PIE root *koro- "war;" see harry) + *waldaz "to command, rule" (see wield). The form fits, but the sense evolution is difficult to explain, unless in reference to the chief officer of a tournament, who introduced knights and made decisions on rules (which was one of the early senses, often as heraud of armes, though not the earliest in English).
herald (v.)
late 14c., "to sound the praises of," from herald (n.). Related: Heralded; heralding.
1. 谐音“he锣的”-----他敲锣来预报、通报信息。2. Etymologically, a herald is a 'leader of an army'.3. harbinger, harbour => herald.4. 《纽约先驱报》(The Herald)由贝内特(J.Bennet)1835 年5月6日在纽约创办。5. 新西兰先驱报: The New Zealand Herald: 《新西兰先驱报》是在新西兰发行的英文日报,于1863年在奥克兰创刊,其最大特点是信息容量大、新闻渠道多、报道及时。6. 《国际先驱导报》(International Herald Leader)创刊于2002年6月6日,依托新华社遍及全球的新闻采集网络,率先提出"大国际"的传播理念.7. international herald tribune 国际前锋论坛报. sydney morning herald 悉尼先驱晨报. Herald Journal 先驱日报. 中国先驱报 Chinese Herald. 每日先驱报 Daily Herald.8. 谐音“号锣的、狠锣的”-----吹号、敲锣来预报,狠狠地敲锣来预报。
1. Their discovery could herald a cure for some forms of impotence.
2. I welcome the report as a herald of more freedom, not less.