early 15c., from Late Latin excommunicatus, past participle of excommunicare (see excommunication). Related: Excommunicated; excommunicating.
1、ex- "out" + com- "together" + mun- + -ic + -ate. 2、字面含义:people together to use or share services or duties. => make services or duties publicly. => literally "that which is common". => make common, share.3、解读:大家一起使用、享用各种服务、职能。也就是使各种服务、职能公共化。所以,由此,引申为:公社、社区;包括分享、共享想法、心得等;=> 谈心、亲密交谈。4、people together to use or share services or duties. => make services or duties publicly. => 大家一起使用、享用各种服务、职能。也就是使各种服务、职能公共化。5、说通俗点儿就像是:同呼吸共命运,风雨同舟,有福同享有难同当。6、=> commun-: make common, share. 包括:share about information.7、含义:put out of the community, expel from communion.
1. The Chinese Christians, therefore, practically excommunicate themselves from their own clan.
所以, 中国的基督徒简直是被逐出了自己的家族了.
2. Now, I insist that we call upon our bishop to excommunicate him!
3. Its no longer possible to excommunicate someone already excommunicated.