- ember-days (n.)
- Old English Ymbrendaeg, Ymbren, 12 days of the year (divided into four seasonal periods, hence Medieval Latin name quatuor tempora) set aside by the Church for fasting and prayers, from Old English ymbren "recurring," corruption of ymbryne "a circuit, revolution, course, anniversary," literally "a running around," from ymb "round" (cognate with Greek amphi, Latin ambo; see ambi-) + ryne "course, running" (see run (n.)). Perhaps influenced by a corruption of the Latin name (compare German quatember, Danish tamper-dage). The Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday after the first Sunday in Lent, Whit-Sunday, Sept. 14, and Dec. 13, set aside for prayer and fasting.
- 1. The compiler embeds only the type information that your application uses.
- 编译器只嵌入您的应用程序所使用的类型信息.
- 2. Embeds an image or a video clip in the document.
- 在文档中嵌入图像或视频片断.
- 3. Automatically downloads and embeds album cover art directly into MP 3 files.
- 自动下载并嵌入专辑封面直接进入MP3文件.
- 4. MotoRacer 3 D embeds the 3 D engine - Dragon Bone for S 60 , which is developed by Digital - Red itself.
- 这个游戏嵌入了为S60开发的“3D龙骨引擎“, 是由“红色数码”自行开发的.
- 5. When the linker builds your module, it embeds a relocation section in the resulting file.
- 当链接程序创建你的模块时, 它将把一个移位节嵌入产生的文件中.