当事人相对提议再作一些改动,因此我们决定尽量少麻烦,毫无异议地把它们都纳入进去。 The client wanted to make yet more changes to the proposal, so we decided to take the line of least resistance and incorporate all of them without protest.
校对员改动了一个词,我批注不应改动,恢复原状。 The proof-reader had changed a word but I stetted it.
我想就我的新工作作些改动,不过现在还早,不会产生纠纷。 I would like to change several things about my new job but it's too early yet to make waves.
最近供暖设备已稍加改动以提高效率。 The heating system has recently been modified to make it more efficient.