

民营 培训机构





赛拓教育 由业内知名培训机构前总监团队创建,汇聚了武汉最杰出的留学教师团队,课下服务金牌团队,核心课程规划师,以十年以上教学经历、数以万计的成功提分案例,为有求学海外的学生提供最具针对性和专业的留学考试培训,以“赛出学员最大潜力,拓展学员美好未来”为理念开创行业留学语言培训领先教学体系,专注于全面提高学员留学考试应考能力及语言能力。创立赛拓独特有效的 “全方位导师”系统。该系统根据每位学员自身的素质不同,为学员量身定制学习课程和进度,360度无死角6对1教学及督导。课上诊断教学,课下全程督导,学习时间灵活机动,一切的一切,赛拓教育为您考虑周到,并与您共同感受您的每一点进步。


Taking historical glorious traditions and enormous success, Settle Education always keeps pace with the time. In the new era Settle Education has built a particular and effective “all-around tutorial learning” system which combines online study and training centre study. According to the specific makings of every student ,the Settle Education learning system will provide the students with appropriate study courses and a customized study plan. There are a series of specialized courses taught by elite faculty to help and tutor you. Settle Education has a relaxed and fun atmosphere with a flexible study system. We care that you learn from and enjoy every small detail in your every learning process.

It doesn’t matter if you are a student still studying on campus or an ambitious graduate with a dream of continuing your furthur education abroad, you will be provided with a unique study plan of your own. You can feel the learning atmosphere at any time and any where with Settle Education. Please believe us and our efficient learning system will allow you to easily acquire a high score to enure a promising future.

