- preset parameter预定参数
- scheduled operating time预定操作时间
- desired pack pressure预定充填压力
- predetermined distribution预定分配方法
- preconceived track预定轨迹
- scheduled period预定期
- directed date预定日期
- predetermined depth预定深度
- pre-defined algorithm预定算法
- preset position,predeter mined position预定位置
- scheduled consumption预定消耗量
- predetermined volume预定用量
- pre-established allowable deviation预定允许偏差
- preset bit load预定钻压
- desired setting position预定坐封位置
- Pre-read预读
- buttering预堆边焊,涂灰浆,隔离层
- prevent预防,防备,阻止
- precaution预防,预先警告
- preventive预防措施,预防剂,预防的
- trouble-saving预防故障的
- fire preventing预防火灾,防火的
- preventive examine and repair预防检修
- preventive safety预防性安全措施
- preventive treatment预防性处理
- preliminary decomposition预分解
- prefractionation预分馏
- prefractionator预分馏塔
- pre-analysis预分析
- prebreaker预粉碎机
- prepaid rent income on land预付地租
- advances on construction预付建设工程款
- imprest预付款,预借
- advanced payment agreement预付协定
- Prepayment预付租金
- preslotted liner预割缝衬管
- fore blow预鼓风
- pre-grouting预灌浆
- premix tank预混合罐
- premixed bentonite预混合膨润土
- foam premix预混泡沫溶液
- prestage预级,前置级
- anticipated cost预计成本
- expected reserves预计储量
- guesstimated tubing expansion预计的油管伸长
- pro forma statement预计决算表
- ETD预计离岸时间
- precalculated volume预计体积
- predictable pressure预计压力
- prestretching stress预加拉应力
- preload预加力
- prechlorination预加氯处理
- pre-twist,fore-twist预加捻
- precharge预加压力
- potential trouble measure预检,预防
- foresight预见,预想
- prevision预见,预知,预测
- precast预浇注
- premix预搅拌
- advance payment of income tax预缴所得税
- advanced deposits预缴押金
- pre-interpretation预解释
- preinterpretation software预解释软件
- preadmission预进,提前进气
- impregnation预浸
- preimpregnation预浸渗
- prepreg预浸渍体,预浸胶体,聚脂胶片
- early warning radar预警雷达
- PWI预警指示器
- prepolymerized预聚合的
- prefocus预聚焦
- pre-diffusion预扩散
- pre-draft预拉伸,预牵伸
- pre-drawing process预拉伸过程,预牵伸过程
- precondensator预冷凝器,预缩合器
- precooling pad预冷却前置液
- expectation预料,可能性,期望
- future units预留机组
- embedded strap预埋条状物
- forethought预谋
- pregelatinized starch预凝淀粉
- pre-equilibrated aqueous phase预平衡水相
- preaerator预曝气池
- expectation预期
- expected duration预期持续时间
- DGC预期的纯地层颗粒密度
- potential profits预期利润
- life expectancy预期寿命,预计期限
- forecast consumption预期消耗
- preliminary draft预牵伸,预拉伸
- pre-displacement预驱替