- liner尾管
- pygidum尾节
- caudal vesicle尾泡
- tail sheath尾鞘
- tail尾丝
- Urochordata尾索动物亚门
- cerci尾须
- fin尾翼
- rectrix尾羽
- preen gland尾脂腺
- pygostyle尾综骨
- cane苇
- diminish and yellowish tinge of the skin萎黄
- Atrophy萎缩
- Wilting萎蔫
- wilting萎蔫,凋萎
- wilting point萎蔫点,雕萎点
- tuna鲔鱼
- immatured cells未成熟细胞
- telomerase未端酶
- undifferentiated未分化
- nestling未离巢的雏鸟
- unfertilized oocyte未受精卵
- statocone位觉沙
- positional pseudoallele位置拟等位基因
- position isomer位置同分异构体
- taste bud味觉球
- taste center味觉中枢
- Taste Pore味孔
- palatable substance味物质
- taste cell味细胞
- gastral layer胃层
- pepsin inhibitor胃蛋白酶抑制因素
- gastric,stomachal胃的
- gastrocolic reflex胃结肠反射
- gastric caeca胃盲囊
- peptic胃酶的
- gastral filament胃丝
- hypoacidity胃酸过少,酸过少
- gastric glands胃腺
- funiculus胃绪
- weismannism魏司曼学说
- temperate deciduous forest温带落叶林
- warm spot温点
- temperature change温度变动
- temperature difference温度差
- Thermo-sensitive period温度敏感期
- temperature sensitive mutant温度敏感受性突变体
- temperature mutant温度突变体
- temperature acclimation温度驯化
- accumulated temperature温度总和
- prophage温和性噬菌体
- Temperature-sensitive mutant温敏突变株
- temperature humidity graph温湿曲线
- ehdotherm,homeotherm;homoiotherm;idiotherm,warm-blooded animal温血动物
- pitted thickening纹孔加厚
- striated border纹状缘
- rostrum吻
- proboscis cavity吻腔
- rostrum吻突
- desmotropism稳变异构现象
- stable virus稳定病毒
- stabilization period稳定期
- steady rate稳定速率,恒稳速率
- steady state稳恒状态
- planarian涡虫,真涡虫
- vortex stirrer涡亮拌机
- cochlear canal蜗管
- cochleate蜗牛状的
- mesonephros沃耳夫氏体
- ouabain乌巴因
- snakehead乌鳢,斑乌鳢,生鱼
- ornithophilous乌媒的
- squid乌贼,墨鱼
- sludge污泥,淤渣
- sludge digester污泥消化器,污泥消化池
- pollutant污染剂
- black rat屋顶鼠
- apetalous flower无瓣花
- tenericutes无壁[细]菌类
- atrichous,aflagellar;aflagellate无鞭毛的
- amrtabolous无变态的
- ametabolion无变态昆虫
- ametabolism无变态性
- sessile无柄,无腹柄的
- sessile eye无柄眼
- amacrine cells无长突细胞
- apterous无翅的
- amphibolic pathway;amphibolic route无定向代谢途径
- commaless code无逗点密码
- Avirulence无毒性