- neutralizing tank中和槽
- central ray中间细胞射线
- Medium-granularity中粒度
- middle wall中墙
- Names of Some Chinese and Foreign Movie Companies,Film Studios and Film Distribution Corporations中外一些影业公司、电影制片厂和电影发行公司名称
- core中心,芯层
- centri-petal中心瓣
- neutral size中性(松香)胶
- neutral sulfite process中性(亚硫酸)盐法(制浆)
- neutral resin (size)中性树脂(胶)
- neutral sulfite cooking中性亚硫酸盐法蒸煮
- reed中性亚硫酸盐法制浆
- semi-chemical neutral pulp中性盐半化学浆
- neutral sizing paper中性纸
- central processor中央(信息)处理机
- central board中央控制板
- standard type evaporator中央循环管式蒸发器
- terminal user终端设备用户
- final bleaching终漂
- final cook终煮
- watchmaker’s tissue钟表零件包装纸
- species种类,材种
- hull fiber种毛纤维
- seed germination paper种子发芽纸
- Seed reproduction种子繁殖
- secondary hydroxyl group仲醇羟基
- secondary acetate仲醇酸酯
- diazo erect image blueprint paper重氮感光纸
- diazo paper重氮感光纸,晒图纸
- diazotization,diazotizing重氮化(作用)
- dead beating,hard beating,heavy beating重刀打浆
- readjust重调(整)
- overlapping重叠,交错,搭接
- eclipsed from重叠形
- relicate sample重复取样
- resharpen重刻
- heavy burring重刻石
- gravity filter重力过滤机
- gravity cascade system重力流送,分段处理,分段显影
- weightometer重量计,自动秤
- weight average重量平均,重均
- hard size,hard sized重施胶
- reloading重装(料)
- peripheric周围的,外围的,外部的
- periphera周围的,外围的,外部的
- shaft轴,树干,茎
- axial flow pump轴流泵
- propeller fan轴流式抽风机
- center winding轴式卷取
- center rewind轴式卷取复卷法
- broomed end帚化
- devillicate帚化纤维,分裂纤维
- fibrage theory帚化学说
- shrivel皱纹(纸病)
- shrivel皱纹,褶子(纸病)
- crinkle皱纹,起皱
- ripple mark皱纹痕(纸病)
- crepe kraft,crepe kraft paper,ribbed kraft paper皱纹牛皮纸
- crepe duplex kraft paper皱纹双层牛皮纸
- creped wadding皱纹医药卫生包装纸,皱纹包装纸
- cockle(d) paper皱纹证券纸
- crease皱折,折痕(纸病)
- jeweller’s bristol珠宝包装用薄纸
- bamboo竹(竹亚科)
- bamboo pulp and paper竹浆纸
- bamboo chip竹片
- graded hydrolysis逐步水解
- overlook逐张选纸
- Power axle主动轴
- regeneration cutting主伐,伐木植树
- final crop主伐林
- host head-end主机前端
- primary key主键
- axial bond主键,轴键
- subject card主题卡
- high comedy主题严肃、含义深长的喜剧
- main press主压榨
- prev ailing wood species主要(木材)材种
- chief constitutents主要组分
- main title主字幕
- Attribute Memory属性内存
- private letter box for multi-storey andhigh-rise block of flats住宅楼房信报箱
- helper助手,辅助
- oilman注油工
- helding tank贮槽,收集槽
- storage贮存,库(房),存储器
- storagetank贮存槽,贮料槽
- storage space贮存面积
- storage time贮存时间
- storage acid贮存酸
- silo贮料仓