- continuously reinforced concrete连续配筋的混凝土
- continuous construction连续施工法
- continuous thickener连续式浓缩器
- continuous bridge连续式桥梁
- continuity law连续性定律
- continuous cracking连续性开裂
- pryogressive shuttering连续作用模板
- coupled wall连肢墙
- dual lock联动拉手,联动窗扣
- union melt process联合F接法
- collective insurance联合保险,集体保险
- joint control survey联合测量
- Simultaneous equation联合方程式
- combined footing联合基脚
- paving train联合铺路机
- Coproduction agreement联合生产协议
- coupler联接器,耦合器
- interlocking tile联结的大型屋面槽瓦
- coupling flange联结法兰(接头翼缘)
- coupling flange联结凸缘
- Braced miter joint联结斜接
- joint tenancy联权共有,共同租住权(公屋),不可由第三者继承的共同业权(居屋),相互继承的共有业权
- joint tenant联权共有人,联名业主,联名承租人
- joint property联权共有物业
- interlocking piles联锁桩
- joint village council联席村议会
- joining balk联系木梁
- party room联谊室
- joint-user building联用大厦
- coupling joint联轴接头
- cross section of stream廉横截面
- quick clay脸土砂
- Pipe Chain Wrench炼钳
- flight conveyor链板传送带
- chain survey链测
- paternoster链斗式升降机
- chain and pan conveyor链斗式输送机
- bucket dredge链斗式挖掘船
- Chain saw machine链锯机
- chain sling链式吊索
- chaingage链式水尺
- chain sounding链式水深测量
- chain hoist链式提升器
- chain bridge链缩桥
- chain lever hoist链条杆卷杨机
- Liangting area凉亭
- beam梁,横梁,阵
- beam and slab construction梁板建筑
- beam and slab floor梁板式楼板
- arrangement of beams梁布置
- beam sides梁侧面
- positioning of beams梁的定位
- beam deflection梁的挠曲
- hogging of beam梁的翘曲
- under beam梁底
- top surface of the beam梁顶面
- anchorage schemes梁端锚固
- effective support length of header end梁端有效支承长度
- web梁腹,腹板
- beam steel梁钢筋
- high of beam梁高度
- beam grid梁格栅
- beam construction梁构造
- girder casing梁护面
- beam calculation梁计算
- beam design formula梁计算公式
- beam to beam moment connection梁间刚性结合
- distance between girders梁间隔
- beam to beam connection梁间结合
- beam forms梁模板
- beam type base梁式承台
- beam structure梁式结构
- beam bridge梁式桥
- beam hangers梁托
- corbel梁托,翅托,托架
- tailbeam梁尾端
- haunch board梁腋侧板
- beam flanges out of square梁翼歪斜
- beam column connection梁柱接合
- beam-column structure梁柱结构
- beam to column connection梁柱结合
- two sides(edges) supported plate两边支承板
- box shaped module open on two sides两侧被打开的盒形组件
- bilateral symmetry两侧对称
- two-envelope tendering system两层考虑投标制度
- two story bent两层排架
- render and set两层涂抹
- two point suspension scaffold两点悬挂架空脚手板
- The Two Sides of Contradiction两端
- two stage curing两段养护处理
- two-panelled door两格式门