- Structure pre-embedment assistance结构预埋配合阶段
- constructual elements结构元件
- structural bearings结构支座
- construction pillar结构柱
- structural condition survey结构状况勘测
- structural state结构状态
- dead-weight of structure结构自重
- total length of structure结构总长度
- total breadth of structure结构总宽度
- structural adequacy assessment结构足够性评估
- binding reinforcement结合钢筋
- Binder结合剂
- binder结合料,黏合物
- decohesion结合破坏
- bound water结合水
- Rapid transit tunnel捷运隧道
- Butting saw截锯,齐头锯
- frustum of a pyramid截棱锥
- intercepting ditch of sewage截流沟
- interceptor sewer截流污水渠
- section截面,剖面,组,部分,区段
- limiting value for sectional dimension截面尺寸限值
- section stiffness截面刚度
- sectional hard-core截面核心
- core area of section截面核芯面积
- thickness of section截面厚度
- cross section area截面积
- shearing rigidity of section截面剪变刚度
- analysis of sections截面解析
- section width of piers截面宽度
- tensile(compressive) rigidity of section截面拉伸(压缩)刚度
- tensile(compressive rigidity of section)截面拉伸(压缩刚度)
- sectional area截面面积
- sectional area截面面积,切面面积
- torsional rigidity of section截面扭转刚度
- warping rigidity of section截面翘曲刚度
- plastic ratio of member section截面塑性发展系数
- flexural rigidity of section截面弯曲刚度
- statical moment of area截面一次矩
- centroid of section截面重心
- overall depth of section截面总高度
- seepage isolation dike截渗堤
- water intercepting ditch截水槽
- cutoff wall截水墙
- diaphragm wall截水墙,地下连续墙
- Butt截头,切方
- frustum of a cone截头圆锥体
- cut-off level截止高程
- memorandum of discharge解除抵押备忘录
- deed of release解除扣押契据,解除责任契据
- decommissioning解除运作,停止运作,关闭
- decontrol of rent解除租金管制
- Equation solver解方程器
- dismissal of contractor's employees解雇承建商雇员,解雇承办商雇员
- decompression解压
- Circle界,阶层
- interface joint meter界面变位计
- party-wall界墙
- Interface界石
- boundary界线 边线
- boundary界线,边界,界址
- consistency limits界限含水量
- balanced eccentricity界限偏心距
- critical compressive height界限受压区高度
- Borrower借款单位
- borrow area借土区
- Carborundum金刚砂,炭化硅
- carborundum strip金刚砂路带,碳化硅路带
- carborundum paper,emerypaper金刚砂纸
- hydromechanical works金结工程
- Favorable balance金融利益
- "kam tap" house金塔,金塔屋
- metal金属,铺路碎石
- metal clad cable金属包皮电缆
- metal braid金属编织电缆
- Thin metal plate金属薄板
- metalwork金属部分,金属工艺
- metal sash putty金属窗框油灰
- metal water stop金属带密封
- metal ceilings金属吊顶
- metal spike金属钉
- metal cover金属封盖
- metal valley金属沟槽
- metallic component金属构件
- metal sheaf金属护皮
- metal runner金属滑条
- betonac金属混凝土
- metal gripping rim金属夹边
- Metal structure金属结构
- metal framed curtain wall金属结构幕墙
- nissen hut金属结构掩蔽棚屋