- ocean salvage vessel远洋救助船
- rescue ocean tug远洋救助拖船远洋救助拖轮
- grey hound远洋快船
- greyhound远洋快速船
- ocean steamer远洋轮船
- oceanic trade远洋贸易
- deep-sea trade远洋贸易远洋运输
- ocean-going merchantman远洋商船
- transoceanic cmmunicatiton远洋通信
- ocean going tug远洋拖船
- ocean tug远洋拖船远洋拖轮
- ocean tow远洋拖航
- ocean-going tug,seagoing tug远洋拖轮
- deep sea trawler远洋拖网渔船
- oceangoing over-sea tanker远洋油船
- ocean-going tanker远洋油轮
- deep-sea fishing fleet远洋渔船队
- distant water fishery远洋渔业
- Ocean-going transportation远洋运输
- ocean shipping company远洋运输公司
- office of overseas transportation远洋运输局,海外运输局
- ocean bill of lading远洋运输提单
- oversea shipping trade远洋运输业
- ocean going barge carrier远洋载驳船
- oceangoing barge carrier远洋载驳母船
- ocean transhipment cargo远洋转运货物
- pelagic gear远洋装置
- cause remote远因
- descry远远地看到,辨别
- lower the land远远离开陆地
- Earth Station-Jordan约旦地面站
- agreed约定的
- appointment call约定呼叫
- Contractual Lien约定留置权
- agreed frequency约定频率
- compromised total loss约定全损
- contract speed约定速度
- contract mail service约定邮件运输
- approximate weight约计重量
- York Antwerp Rules约克-安特卫普共同海损规则
- York-Antwerp Rules约克-安特卫普规则
- York Rules约克规则
- Yorkshire Insurance Co. Ltd. v. Nisbet Shipping Co. Ltd约克莎保险公司诉尼斯贝特航运公司案
- submultiple约量分谐波
- timed shipment约期装船
- divide out约去
- binding约束,结合,粘合,键联,三眼木饼的铁套环
- captured model technique约束船模试验技术
- binding clause约束条款
- binding award约束性的仲裁裁决
- converge statement约束语句
- on or about约于…
- moon月
- high water lunitidal interval月潮高潮间隙,月亮高潮间隙
- lunicurrent interval月潮流间隙
- lunar tide generating force月潮引潮力
- moonpool月池
- opposition of moon月冲
- moonrise月出
- moonrise and moonset月出没
- beginning of month月初上旬
- circle levee月堤
- end of month月底
- end of month月底月末
- Monthly General Account月度往来帐
- month月份,月
- month月份月
- lunar rainbow月虹
- lunar corona,ombre月华
- parallactic inequality月角差
- longitude by lunar distances月角距求经度
- longitude by lunar distances月角距求取的经度
- monthly月刊a.每月的
- monthly月刊每月的
- ephemeris of the moon月历表
- moonrise and moonset tables月亮出没时间表
- total correction of moon's altitude月亮高度总改正量
- middle eclipse月亮视差
- lunar inequality月亮受太阳或行星吸引使它在轨道上运动发生变化,磁针受月亮影响发生微小偏差
- moon culmination月亮中天
- age月龄
- lunar cycle月龄周期(朔望日期变化周期)
- rate per mensem月率
- moonset,UK,; moondown,US月没
- partial lunar eclipse月偏食
- moon's horizontal semidiameter月球地平半径差
- augmentation of moon's horizon semidiameter月球地平改正量
- moon's horizontal parallax月球地平视差
- lunar observation月球观测
- lunar orbiting satellite月球轨道卫星
- lunar orbiter spacecraft月球轨道宇宙飞行器