In order to make design concepts clearer, simplify construction and save resources, through an analysis of the functions and compression of brick wall spread footing in rigid strip foundation(non-reinforced spread foundation), reinforced concrete strip foundation and pile foundation, this paper puts forward the rational use of brick wall foundation.
Under this situation,someone proposed so-called "new thinking on banning gambling" with the idea of "administrating the major well while controlling the minor".
The paper confirms the achievement of strategic reform of state enterprises in previous years and further discusses the objective basis, working style and practical effectiveness of "stressing key enterprises and putting small and medium sized ones under lower administration level" in the reform of state enterprises.
文章充分肯定了前一时期国有企业战略性改组所取得的成绩 ,进一步探讨了国企“抓大放小”的客观依据、运作方式和实际效
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