Objective:to observe the effect of bavarian dressing splint and paper circle external fixation to treating endoduction type surgical neck of humerus.
The paper is looped over these spars in long festoons.
纸圈挂在这些桅杆上, 形成许多长条的花彩。
transformer coil winding paper
The pinwheel twirled in the Breeze.
a card game similar to ecarte; each player is dealt 5 cards and the player making trump must take 3 tricks to win a hand.
This exposure is made with a small F-stop to a sheet of white paper placed over the original, or to the rays from a flash- lamp.
A loop, as of metal, rope, or thread.
Small circle, small circle, small circle, big circle.
The thing that was written on the paper might be a threat, a summons, an order to commit suicide, a trap of some description.
After bathing, he flew around the room to dry himself. The air passing through his wet feathers produced a sound like a deck of cards being shuffled.
This technique must be used every time a pattern is traced-off. And applies to necklines, collars, shoulder seams etc. place every seam together and check the run.
In a drowsy schoolroom, for instance, children may amuse themselves by tracing repetitious looped patterns on scratch paper or on flyleaves of books.
plate-enlargement ring
夹板衬圈, 涨圈簧
plain paper copier
The number of turns of wire in the secondary coil is the same as the number of turns in the primary.
A game of cards for two to four persons, played with a special deck of48cards, with points being scored by taking tricks and forming certain combinations.
a paper bag, handkerchief, towel, etc
纸袋、 纸巾、 纸面巾等.
Money, especially in the form of bills.
paper, board and pulps-standard atmosphere for conditioning and testing and procedure for monitoring the atmosphere and conditioning of samples
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