The complex connection of the system and the unreasonable arrangement of the pipe network gave rise to faults such as leak of residual cake valve and seriously impacted the normal operation of the plant.
黄埔发电厂5号、6号机组锅炉灰渣输送系统与瑞明电厂1 号、2 号机组锅炉共用灰渣母管, 系统连接复杂, 管网布置不合理, 造成排渣阀泄漏等故障, 严重影响电厂的正常运行。
discharging valve
a safety, exhaust valve
安全阀、 排气阀.
Open the inlet water valve and press the top discharge valve to discharge the air in the filter at the same time.
Hold the drain open until clean fuel exits the drain.
Marine flanged cast iron single arrangement exhaust stop box valve
pneumatic cylinder cock valve
Open the raw water drain valve until the outlet water becomes clear, and then close the valve.
a small cock or faucet or valve for letting out air or releasing compression or draining.
Vent the air gap and drain line from the relief valve in accordance with code requirements.
The advantages and disadvantages of using duckbill valve in sea outfalls are discussed in this paper, and the suitable conditions to use duckbill valve in outfall are put forward.
Leaks can occur along the valve stem through the packing or diaphragms. Leaks of this type can be stopped by closing the valve and venting any pressure from the outlet.
This paper analyzes the leaking and sealing mechanisms of toilet commponents' water drain valve in detail and gives the solution of the leaking problem of water drain valve.
"The discharge line must be the same size as the valve outlet, and must pitch downward from the valve to a safe place for disposal."
After draining, close drain valve.
Use a pressure reducing regulator or separate control valve to safely discharge gas from cylinders. Use a check valve to prevent reverse flow into the cylinder.
"As thermal expansion conditions develop, pressure builds up to the setting of the relief valve. This will cause discharging of small quantity of water."
Air filtering pressure reducing valve, solenoid valve, valve location feedback device, valve gate locator, quick exhaust valce.
Self-closing connect valve can be installed at apron, high and low point draining outlet of depot pipeling.
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